quicksand, 10800"

1 min readSep 4, 2018


typically there, in ur perfect bench

handed that lil thing still

those sharp eyes that you’d never leave

those intangible illusions in you

those mysterious tunes you assume perfect

that wednesday at 1pm

i was in a classic hurry

it baffles me

how you called my name n smiled

it was freakin beyond me

i mean who can handle that smile

yet it was treacherous

quickly disappeared

like a quicksand!

so quick

in 10.800 secs

whatever those were gone

all gone….

no gazes, no calls, no smiles

not even a quick sharp glance

that elevator button in the first floor dumbly witnessed

thanks bud!

you captivatedly painted that last November

perfectly mess

i wanna stop all of these things

i thought i was over you

but it comes again

over n over again

why can’t i stop

i mean, what are you, bruh?




teddy picker with a lil scent of the icing on the cake. i got that gun of jane austen’s epic phrase on 1813. i write poem: https://itschattyowl.tumblr.com/