Tiny Little Thing Called “A Sign from Universe”

4 min readJun 17, 2019


Here I am. A 22 years old lady and on her way to be 23. And the world, becomes a more complex place afterwards. Indeed.

It is quite a roller coaster for this lady genuinely face whatever stuffs in front of her. The world is a spinning ball of perpetual chaos, upside down, but it is not incorrigible.

And I, by far, decided to write whatever comes into my mind here. Since we all know, writing can reveal a lot about the world and ourselves. It may not affects us that much, but it’s pleasing at least for me. Writing, in fact, is an important work. Some of history’s great geniuses have been writers: Plato, Shakespeare, Montaigne, Austen, Hemingway, Foster Wallace. Oh, J.K Rowling! All of them geniuses because of their exceptional ability to string together words in such a way that provokes acute emotions, ideas, and images.

Oh, I almost forgot how the title leads us to. It is about how me questioning myself of how the world got so much its coincidences. Have you noticed how we bundle together a range of different phenomena and dismiss it all by calling it “coincidence”? Hearing a word at the exact same time as reading it, life moments repeating over and over, thinking of someone who then calls at that precise moment, meeting someone new and then seeing them everywhere. We label all of these weird events as ‘coincidence’ and leave it at that.

What lead me into this matter of thought? Well, I’m here, 12:26 pm, sitting in my not-so-cubical in the office and started to look up on someone’s Instagram I barely knew. I looked up his profile and learn himself bit by bit. There are so much same-unpopular places that we both went, but clearly, in different times. I must say

“Dear, God! He is like the guy version of me….and taller”

And that point when it comes to mind;

“Is this a sign from the universe?”

“I really am an ‘it’s a sign’ ass bitch”

I must say I am. I’ve been there in being skeptical about things happened, trying to ignore the facts that it may mean something. Yet, time passed and I can’t deny that most of times I put much attention on how the coincidences itself.

Sometimes we may look for the right path to take but we have no clue which the best path to go. We desperately need signs from the Universe to know that we are headed in the right direction but we just aren’t receiving any validation. How about this, how about if the Universe is ALWAYS giving you signs as to which way to go? But, It is just a matter of we paying attention to the signs and how we perceiving it. We inevitably start receiving signs and nods from the Universe confirming you’re on the right track.

As Bustle wrote,

We meet someone special and we radiate joy. We can’t help it — the prospect of a brand new relationship leaves us brimming with excitement. Yet we hesitate, we don’t want to waste time and energy on the wrong person. But are they the wrong person… or just the right person for us? We want to know one thing: are they the one?

Turns out, it’s actually a lot simpler than we’re making it.

We don’t even have to ask the Universe out loud for a sign. The Universe can hear our thoughts and knows when it needs to give us a sign. It is a matter of paying attention to the things around us.

Once, Ted Mosby said,

Because maybe it’s dumb to look for the signs from the universe! Maybe the universe has better things to do. I mean, dear God, I hope it does. You know how many signs I’ve gotten, that I should or shouldn’t be with someone? And where has it gotten me? Maybe there aren’t any signs. Maybe… maybe a locket’s just a locket, and… a chair’s just a chair. Maybe we don’t have to give meaning to every little thing. And maybe we don’t… Maybe we don’t need the universe to tell us what we really want. Maybe we already know that. Deep down.

The human species is a complex creature: thought, brain power, empathy, feelings, even a willing to solve a problem. Sometimes, we are coming up with the fact that we receiving signs from the universe. But we — as a human being have that prestige very high. We know deep down which one is good and which one is bad. But sometimes, we didn’t even hear our heart and let something happens as it is. And where it’d probably lead us to? A regret.

The most significant part of how we see “a sign from universe” itself is to understand that we are always exactly where we are supposed to be no matter what it feels like at the time. It may be a learning experience for us to evolve. When the time comes and we are not even sure, ask the Universe ‘why?’ It will show us ‘why’ we are and where we are. Trust that the signs from the Universe you receive are real and guiding you in the right direction. As what we believe in our spiritual moments with God.




teddy picker with a lil scent of the icing on the cake. i got that gun of jane austen’s epic phrase on 1813. i write poem: https://itschattyowl.tumblr.com/